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十大正规体育平台’s FreeSpeak二世 Vastly Improves Critical 医疗 Comms for Houston-based 医疗 Center


Hyperbaric chambers and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) found their initial scientific application in treating decompression sickness (colloquially referred to as “the bends”), which led to it being used in broader cardiac and digestion conditions. 今天, it has snowballed into treating and speeding up the healing of a wide variety of ailments from burn injuries to non-healing wounds, 甚至创伤性脑损伤. 十大正规体育平台® wireless solutions are enabling a Houston-based medical center to enhance communication between hyperbaric technicians who are continuously monitoring patients from both inside and outside the chamber.

和所有的医疗环境一样, efficient staff communication is a crucial element for hyperbaric protocol in treatment clinics and is essential for safety and the proper care and supervision of patients. Hyperbaric chambers typically come delivered with a built-in communications setup to facilitate interaction between the staff members during ongoing therapy sessions. 然而, the integrated comms system was simply just not adequate for this medical center’s needs – the sound was tinny, 经常不清楚, and it didn’t provide the long-distance range and coverage the customer required.

After some trial and error, the medical center turned to 广播技术服务 (BTS) in Houston to help with these challenges, who recommended and supplied a 十大正规体育平台 FreeSpeak二世® Wireless Intercom System, including transceiver, beltpacks, and headsets. The FreeSpeak二世 solution provides four channels of communication and supports a range of up to 300 feet, which offers a vast improvement over a standard intercom.

在找到我们之前, this customer was using another professional-grade comms system, 但它经常失败,迈克尔·霍巴特补充道, Vice President – 销售 at 广播技术服务. “The oxygen pressure within the hyperbaric chamber is increased two to three times higher than normal air pressure, which was simply too much for the equipment to hold up against, and the boards inside the beltpacks were physically bending and shorting out. 十大正规体育平台’s reliability really shines, proving it’s the wireless professional comms system of choice for these types of environments. For decades their solutions have been well-known in the medical industry for their robust usability, 易用性, 质量标准.”

This medical center required a wide scope of communication coverage for the hyperbaric area to connect a full medical team - the physician or assisting attendant inside the chamber who supervises and assesses the patient, technicians outside of the chamber who are operating and maintaining the chamber, and a variety of support staff who may even be in adjacent rooms.

“When it comes to voice communications, this customer needed something with exceptional clarity, 易于使用的东西, and a hands-free operation that helps with multitasking and cleanliness,迈克尔·霍巴特评论道. “现在, they’re able to communicate as a team anywhere far more effectively in the hyperbaric area and beyond, which they report has stepped up their teamwork and productivity. Their conversations are now much clearer, and they’re not limited to one-way communication.” The customer has also commented that the system affords more patient privacy – allowing them to handle any type of rapid response situation that may arise. Since they’re now on a wireless system, they can move anywhere in the chamber, even outside of the hyperbaric room, and still stay in touch - clearly.

The FreeSpeak二世 base station sits neatly next to the hyperbaric chamber control console area, with a transceiver sitting on top of the chamber to centralize the communication range. The system can be scaled in the future, 取决于有多少医生, 护士, and technicians are staffed for a particular patient case. +, it supports many different interfaces, so it can be seamlessly connected to a range of intercom systems to share channels and increase the range of communications.

After switching to the FreeSpeak二世 system, the hyperbaric medical staff have improved team communications during patient procedures helping patients receive enhanced care in a calm and well-organized manner. The customer reported back to BTS, “I have great confidence in the 十大正规体育平台 FreeSpeak二世 that it will keep our team connected through each therapy session, so we can better serve our patients. 它就是有效,而且效果很好.”