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国王耶稣教会 Upgrades to IP-Based Eclipse HX矩阵 with FreeSpeak二世无线 and 代理ic移动应用程序


国王耶稣教会 in Miami, Florida is taking their production to the next level with a recent upgrade to their 十大正规体育平台® 内部通信系统. The upgrade incorporated their existing 十大正规体育平台 安可® analog partyline 内部通信系统 and now additionally includes a Eclipse®HX digital matrix system fitted with an E-IPA card, FreeSpeak二世® digital wireless transceivers and beltpacks, HelixNet® 数字partyline, LQ® Series of IP interfaces and finally the Agent-IC® 手机应用程序, creating a dynamic and robust intercom communications system designed to support the organization’s growth with plenty of room for expansion in the future.

20多年来, 国王耶稣教会 of Miami (KJM) has been highly successful with their ministry in Southern Florida, seeing attendance of 15,000 to 20,000 each week at both their main and remote campuses across the globe, spanning five continents. As the ministry has continued to grow, so has their production - broadcasting online to hundreds of thousands of followers worldwide, many of whom reside in Latin and South America. What sets this ministry apart from others is not only their Latin American roots with services spoken in Spanish, but also that they offer services in English, as well as many other languages, to engage with their followers at a global scale.

KJM’s impressive reach and continued growth has led them to surpass the capacity of their 再来一个 partyline system, with an evolving production crew consisting of Camera Operators, 技术董事, 导演, 生产商, 音频工程师, 图形, 流媒体协调员, and various 亚洲最大体育平台ion Assistants all working throughout the facility. It was clear that this production required more flexibility and bandwidth from their comms.

With the goal to increase communications for today’s needs, together with room to grow for the future, 肖恩·斯威尼 CP通信, worked with Technical 导演 of KJM, 乔纳森·加西亚, to design an 内部通信系统 that would satisfy the modern requirements of 国王耶稣教会. 乔纳森解释说, “Communicating on Sunday was becoming more and more difficult, when you have 25 plus different people, doing 10 different things and all sharing a four-channel system... the idea of ‘controlled chaos’ comes to mind.”

In order to make the ‘controlled chaos’ manageable, Sean and Jonathan installed an Eclipse®HX Median frame with 16 ports of 4-wire and 32 IP ports on the E-IPA card, four FreeSpeak二世 IP transceivers and 15 FreeSpeak二世 beltpacks, giving them the freedom to roam the building while staying online with the production crew. Also installed was a HelixNet base station and LQ IP interface to support the Front-of-House audio and lighting crews, allowing them to communicate easily. To complete the new system, they implemented several Agent-IC 手机应用程序 licenses with an external internet connection, enabling the production crew to roam outside the sanctuary as needed, all the while still connected on comms. Together this system facilitates a modern workflow that takes into account hybrid and remote workflows.

After their first Sunday service with the new system in place, 乔纳森解释说, “The way the new system configuration streamlined our operations and made Sunday service a breeze for all of us involved, is a total game changer.”

While also producing in-person services, 国王耶稣教会 produces and broadcasts services around the world. To help produce these global broadcasts, KJM has a broadcasting studio a few blocks aways, which is connected to the main facility over a WAN network, allowing all their communications to happen via their HelixNet beltpacks. The studio control room is outfitted with an Eclipse®HX Delta frame, V-Series 虹膜 panels, E-IPA card, Agent-IC, and FreeSpeak二世 beltpacks and transceivers. Sean and Jonathan worked together to configure the system, creating a highly scalable and reliable 内部通信系统 that bridges the two buildings and allows for a seamless broadcast and streaming productions to take place.

“We now have a solid and flexible 内部通信系统 backbone for our communications that will be able to grow with us as we continue to expand our operations and broadcasting reach,乔纳森总结道。.